Sunday, July 17, 2011

For the LOVE of HP Series

10 Reasons Why I Love the Harry Potter Series

image1. Taught me how to read an entire book - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was the first ever book I finished. After that, I've read hundreds, but HP will remain my favorite.

2. Been a part of my life for more than a decade - It's been more than a decade of waiting for books and movies to be released, and JK never failed to make the wait more than worthwhile. JK knew, as she had written in the very first chapter, “The Boy Who Lived”, that every child in our world will know Harry Potter's name.

3. The movie cast - You can't help but fall in love with the actors, maybe because they gave justice to the characters and it’s apparent that they also loved the characters they played. The Golden Trio, other starting actors and older high caliber cast did an amazing job. Shoutout to Daniel! Rupert! Emma! And the rest of them! I am sure to support their next projects outside HP.

4. Beyond brilliant plot - When I finished Book 3, I knew I was unto something extremely special. The revelations made on Book 7 made me appreciate every book, every chapter, and every single thing JK mentioned in the 7 books. When I was in Grade 5, I remember myself asking "Why is Bloody Baron bloody?" I knew that someday I would find out the answer. And there it was on Book 7, playing a crucial part to Rowling's big twist on horcruxes.

5. The characters of the books were well-thought of - Each has their own sets of behaviors and values. They all have good and bad sides. The characters are very consistent. Changes on behaviors, like those of Dumbledore, are part of the plot.

6. It’s filled with brilliant quotations - I love quotes!

7. It created a world so distinct and remarkable  - Hogwarts, and other places like Hogsmeade, the Burrow, and Diagon Alley were created vividly. Hogwarts is a place like no other. That's why I’m still waiting to receive my Hogwarts letter,  ride the Platform 9 3/4, talk to friendly ghosts, walk the Forbidden Forest, live in the common rooms of the four houses, watch the Quidditch matches and many many more. What would I not do to experience these?

8.  There's more to HP than what's written in the books - Dumbledore is gay. Ginny's the first female-born Weasley after many generations. Hermione's and Ron's patronus are complementary. Voldemort has no Patronus because he doesn't have a happy memory. The third smell on Hermione's Amortentia [on Book 6] was of Ron's hair. These and a LOT more. Thus, POTTERMORE!

9.  Potterheads are awesome! - There are millions of proud HP fans all over the world and many of us loved the books for a decade and more. You know that feeling that you're not alone when you say that your children will know of Harry Potter? We've witnessed HP Series turn from a children's book to a full-blown masterpiece.

10. The books' underlying message had always been about love - Love for friends, for family, for Hogwarts, for what you believe in and even lost love - that of Snape. Rowling said  that love's the greatest magic there is and this had always been the message of her books, along with courage, friendship, balance of good and evil and many more.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Review

We'll never get enough of HP in movies because that's how amazing the books are. But I still think Warner Bros. did an amazing job given the limited time they need to execute the film and the many characters they had to highlight.

3 days after watching HP7 part 2, I realized how each character I learned to love had their own moments to shine, like the epic Professor McGonagall showing how badass she is. Also, there are particular scenes that I did not expect and I thought were very sublime and subtle. These scenes are forever imprinted in my mind:

-Draco's face when he refused at first to join Voldy's army
-Remus and Tonks' hands
-Fred's last moments. The slow-mo was epic
-Ginny's "I know"
-Snape hugging Lily's dead body


Yes, we could always go back to the pages and movies of HP, but it's really different when you know there's something to wait for - the next book, the next movie... And that the lead characters who used to be of my age everytime the books were released are now, yeah, older.

It's really the end of our childhood you know? Knowing that on HP's end "All was well". And on my end, I'm still a muggle. Still, it's nice that I have my seven books and movies to visit every time I miss my childhood. And that there’s this JK Rowling/Dumbledore's words that ultimately is a shoutout to all those who loved and will always love the Harry Potter Series: 

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"

So long...